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Can the Baby Stick Out at 17 Weeks

During my two pregnancies, we'd laissez passer time at family gatherings by waiting for the babe to kicking. "She's moving!" I'd yell. But just as Grandma Rozzie hustled over, the feeling would pass. "Don't worry," I'd assure everyone. "Once I eat, she'll probably start again." More often than not, though, the babe was unusually quiet during these get-togethers, perhaps too mesmerized by all the activity on the outside to make her own ruckus.

When I remember back, I can nearly feel those kicks again. Few things are equally magical every bit the infant in your belly letting y'all know she's in that location, well before you lot meet her face to face up. "At five months, I only had a slight bump, and then the pregnancy wasn't totally real to me yet," says Gina Bartnik, of Brooklyn. "But when I felt that motion for the showtime time, I thought, This is really happening. In that location'due south someone growing inside me." Not only growing, but stretching, somersaulting, then much more than! Larn about all there is to know (and relish information technology!) as your baby-to-be starts showing off her best moves.

The Early Flutters

When You Feel Them Y'all'll usually detect your baby's outset movements, known as quickening, between xvi and 22 weeks. It may be just a tiny quiver, merely it'south tremendously exciting. With those first few stirrings, your babe transforms from being someone you can only imagine to an bodily person who is already distinguishing himself equally his ain picayune person.

What They Feel Like Some pregnant moms say the sensation reminds them of a "butterfly kiss" (like eyelashes rubbing against your belly); others describe it every bit popcorn popping or ginger ale bubbling. The feeling is subtle, though, so many women miss information technology entirely. And others can't tell whether what they're feeling is the baby or indigestion (understandable, as breadbasket troubles can abound throughout your pregnancy). "My patients sometimes come to the function complaining of gas pains or of a tingle in their bladder," says William Schweizer, K.D., clinical acquaintance professor of obstetrics and gynecology at New York University Langone Medical Center, in New York Urban center.

What'south Happening Hither's a surprise: Those kickoff few flutters yous notice aren't kicks -- they're the whole baby flipping effectually, Dr. Schweizer explains. At 17 weeks, for instance, your little passenger tin can sure boot, just he's only about five inches long, so the amniotic fluid he's swimming in buffers his subtler movements; yous'll feel only the full flops. If yous become a sonogram at this stage, you'll see that your babe is enough active. In add-on to turning, he's flexing and punting, even sucking his pollex!

Real-Deal Jabs

When You Feel Them Between 20 and 30 weeks, Baby'southward movements get more noticeable equally she grows bigger and stronger. "I'm now 21 weeks, and for about a month, I've been feeling flutters," says

Jen Munson, of Yonkers, New York. "Then final night I experienced my first definitive 'You now have

my attending' kick."

What They Feel Like Yous'll go an unmistakable jolt correct in your midsection. "I was in a meeting at work, and I had my hand on the side of my belly when I felt a thump for the first time," says Amy Jo Irwin, of Wenatchee, Washington. "I basically ignored the rest of that meeting because I was so intent

on getting her to boot once more!"

What's Happening Your infant has grown exponentially, Dr. Schweizer says. At 12 weeks, the boilerplate babe weighs less than an ounce; by 26 weeks, she's almost 2 pounds. Her larger, more than powerful limbs will truly kickoff to jab y'all, which, not surprisingly, tin can go far hard for you lot (or even your partner) to rest. "When I cuddled up with my belly against my hubby's dorsum, the infant would kick him!" says Kylie Clendenen, of Independence, Iowa. Getting accustomed to late-night wake-ups: not entirely a bad affair for parents-to-be.

Cool Gymnastics

When You Feel Them From weeks 30 to 35, you'll be fascinated past watching your stomach change shapes as your baby shifts inside it. During both my pregnancies, my round belly would all of a sudden become pointy on one side, or even square-shaped, until another moving ridge of movement would go far morph yet once more. Or I'd wake up to a lopsided breadbasket considering the baby had decided to cozy upwardly and burrow on one side.

What They Feel Like "It'due south truly an inexplicable sensation," says Beth Overla, who lives in Shelby, Michigan. And an even stranger sight. You might try to decipher what part of the baby is poking against your side or passing over your stomach: Is that a foot? An elbow? A knee? "Whenever Ezra moved, I would come across a big thing go beyond my belly," says Shaina Silverman, of Houston. "I asked my doctor well-nigh information technology. He laughed and said it was the baby'south tush!"

What'south Happening A lot! In one study, when women in their 3rd trimester were asked to count their infant's kicks, they reported feeling an average of 10 movements in 20 minutes. Information technology'south normal for your baby to continually shift effectually. As the weeks become by, y'all'll acquire what makes Peewee pick upwardly the pace. Eating certain foods typically results in some action, but sounds play a office too. In fact, what most excites many babies is Daddy'south vox. By well-nigh the 5th month of pregnancy, your infant hears well, and low-pitched sounds, such as a man'due south voice, give babies more than of a jolt than loftier-pitched sounds exercise, probably owing to the way sound travels through water. "My daughter would kick similar mad whenever she heard her daddy's greeting," says Shea Stahmer, of Newport News, Virginia.

Final Stretches

When You Feel Them Once you've hit 35 weeks, your baby has less room to movement, so you lot'll notice fewer gymnastics. But she may still have more tricks in store before she makes her debut. "The day before my motherhood leave began, I was on the ferry to piece of work," says Dorothy Voigt, of Staten Island, New York. "A female parent and her young son sat across from me, and he was staring at my belly considering the baby was moving noticeably. And then he grabbed his mom and screamed, 'That lady has an alien within her!'

I laughed and then hard, I idea I'd go into labor."

What They Feel Like You may experience hurting under your ribs considering your most total-grown baby is pushing up with her feet. Your pelvis may also ache as she presses her head downward -- not fun, but at least she's moving in the right direction!

What's Happening By near 8 months, most babies have settled into a caput-downward position, prepared for nascency. A small percent go into the breech, or head-up, position. (If your infant stays that way, you'll probably need a cesarean section.) "The last calendar month was very heady," remembers Robyn Buie, of Oklahoma City. "One week my daughter would be breech. The next week, her head would be down. I was able to guess her position because I could feel her hiccups. If they were high, she was breech. Depression? Her caput was down." In the terminal days of pregnancy, remember this: When it ends, notwithstanding information technology ends, yous'll finally have your little acrobat in your arms.

Mom boxing

Credit: Stephanie Rausser

I Go A Boot Out Of You

What's the deal with those tae kwon do jabs in your tummy? Your pressing (and poking) questions, answered.

1) Should It Injure?

"For nearly moms, kicking is gentle, but if the baby bumps a sensitive organ or a rib, it can become very uncomfortable," says Glade B. Curtis, K.D., coauthor of Your Pregnancy Week by Week. Feeling the baby is commonly an heady effect, only if you experience astringent pain when your sweetie moves, see your doctor, because this could signal a condition such as an ovarian cyst, a defect in the uterine wall, or a bladder infection.

two) When Is The Best Fourth dimension To Experience Baby Move?

Babies have serenity and active moments, and your wee one's patterns will become clear. At this stage, y'all may not grab her kicks when you lot're decorated (plus, your movements may lull your baby to sleep). But one time yous're resting, you'll recognize them. A practiced style to feel them is to prevarication on your side, which will stimulate the baby. Some other prime kicking fourth dimension: a half hr or so after meals.

3) Volition Certain Foods Become My Baby Moving?

"Yes. Generally, foods and drinks containing caffeine or saccharide have a bigger impact," says Marker DeFrancesco, M.D., chief medical officer of Women's Health Connecticut, in Avon. "Annihilation that stimulates mom will cross the placenta and, later on a while, stimulate the baby."

4) He Kicks So Much, He's Bound To Be A Future Soccer Star, Right?

"There'southward no hard scientific discipline on whether a babe's energy level in the womb is an indication of future temperament," Dr. Curtis says. "Only my inclination is to think that babies who are more agile in utero do tend to be more than active kids."

five) Should I Worry That The Infant Hasn't Moved Much Lately?

Whenever you discover a distinct change in your baby's normal movement patterns (or if you take severe pain when the baby moves), talk with your md.

Originally published in American Baby magazine.

All content on this Web site, including medical opinion and whatever other wellness-related information, is for informational purposes just and should not be considered to be a specific diagnosis or handling plan for any individual situation. Apply of this site and the information contained herein does not create a doctor-patient human relationship. Always seek the direct advice of your own doctor in connection with any questions or issues y'all may have regarding your ain health or the health of others.

Can the Baby Stick Out at 17 Weeks
